Competition Entry Forms

Practice Form

Competition 1 |  Competition 2 |  Competition 3 |  Competition 4  Theme Night  |  Print Competition

Media Champions Competition

O3C Competition

Club Calendar Competition

Instructions for using the Online Entry Form


•     All Print and Projected entries must have a digital image uploaded
•     Size your images properly before beginning the entry process
•     All images must conform to the image dimension limitations; file maximums and total upload maximums are detailed below. (see Digital Images;)
•     Before uploading your entries, give your entries filenames that are easily identifiable by you rather than the default file name that your camera chooses.
(Many use the image title but without punctuation)
•     Filenames of images may contain ONLY letters, digits, spaces, periods, underscores _ or dashes –
No other punctuation is allowed in the filename OR in the folder name where the file is located on your computer
•     In the Title field, your entry’s title may include punctuation, where required – to a max of 50 characters & spaces.
•     An error message will pop up if your image does not meet the correct dimensions or file size
•     If your file is satisfactory, you will see a thumbnail and some image data in the Image File column
•     To complete the process after entering the information on the form, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form
Monitor the progress via the messages at the bottom of the page
•     When uploading & processing is complete, the page will refresh, showing your entries and displaying a message at the top
“Currently stored on the server for — ——: “
•     The button at the bottom of the page will now say “Add, Change or Delete “
If you wish to add, change or delete entries later, bring up the form, click that button, and proceed
•     Uploads on high-speed internet should take only 10 to 20 seconds per image
If it takes longer than this, you may have a problem with your browser or firewall settings. Try a different browser.

Digital Images:

•     Size your image to a maximum height of 1080px (pixels) and a maximum width of 1920 px
•     Most images should be sized by height first and let your software determine the width (constrained proportions)
•     Our projector’s 1920px x 1080px limit is a 16:9 ratio, but most cameras produce a 6:4 ratio before cropping
•     Panoramic images should be sized width first to ensure a full 1920px width is achieved
•     Maximum size of an image is 4 MB
•     Session upload maximum is 32 MB per “submit”. If necessary, submit your entries in batches.

Print Entries:

•     For your digital copy, follow the instructions above
•     Make sure the title on your print label is identical to the title on the online entry form
•     Follow the proper print labelling protocol
•     You can download a Print Label Template from the Competitions page
•     Bring your prints to a club meeting on or before the due date unless you have made special arrangements. with the Competitions VP or delegate before the deadline.

Entry Form Workflow:

•     Select your Level – Novice, Advanced, or Specialist (except when not applicable)
•     Select the Category from the drop-down list – Nature, Pictorial, Monochrome Print, Colour Print
•     Add the Title of your entry (maximum of 50 characters, including spaces)
•     Choose the Image File to be uploaded
•     Add more entries as desired
•     Check the Box to request judges’ comments if desired (max 2 per competition)
•     Click the Submit button to start the upload and the entry processing
•     After confirmation is received, close the form.

PDF for Instructions for using Competition Entry Forms


The Importance of Accuracy When Using DMCC’s Online Competition Entry

Because DMCC must give online judges the maximum time between the Competition Deadline and the Judging Deadline, members cannot correct submitted images or entry data once the Competition entry has been closed.

Any corrections must be made by the member before the competition is closed.

In the past, because there was a 2-3 day gap between the entry deadline and “Judging Night”, if an error was noticed, there might have been time for the V.P. Competitions to resolve the issue with the member before judging. This time gap is no longer available.

This issue most often arises in the “Nature” category with images containing elements of man’s hand. (please see the Competitions Rules document for a detailed explanation of what this means).

If unqualified images are discovered after the competition is closed but before being released to the judges, they will be disqualified and removed from the Competition entries. Those images may be eligible to enter a different category in a future competition.

If a judge discovers an unqualified image and thus scores low, that image, having already been judged, will not be eligible to be re-entered in a different category.

Similar to the above, images entered in the wrong category cannot be changed after the competition closes. It is the member’s responsibility to check that information carefully when submitting entries.

Members, especially those new to competitions, are advised to be fully aware of all the Competition Rules relevant to the categories of entries and, if necessary, seek guidance before the competition from the V.P. Competitions, other members of the Competitions Team, or other experienced, advanced club photographers.