Photos by Cynthia Smith
All Rights Reserved
Having seen spectacular scenery, met people from all walks of life, and visited outstanding cities, none has come close to my love for the wonderful,
diverse, and beautiful world of nature.
To study the habitat, life cycle, and behavior of wildlife gives a sense of wonderment and a respectful approach to them.
The Polar regions have always been a passion of mine. Perhaps they are the last part of the world virtually untouched by man. There can be silence and calm on one hand, brutally cold winds and turbulent season on the other, twenty-four hours of daylight and equal hours of darkness.
Contrasts are much in evidence; each has its awe-inspiring, humbling attraction.
And so I have gathered a set of images which I would like to share with everyone and hope that they will speak for themselves and possibly have a similar effect on you that they had on me, that is a love of nature. I have also included some other genres to show some diversity of interest.
Joining DMCC in 2006 was one of the best things I did for my photography with many thanks to all those members who encouraged me and gave me many ideas for improvement. Their enthusiasm for the art of photography has been an inspiration to me to do better, as I continue on this photographic journey.
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Website Images
The photographs used throughout this site are the work of members of the Don Mills Camera Club.
All rights are reserved.