Pete Neely (1942-2021)
All Rights Reserved
Our dear friend and Past President, Pete Neely, passed away in January of 2021.
Photography was a great outlet for Pete's artistic side and he was generous in sharing his photographic techniques with his many friends at DMCC.
We will miss his generous spirit, his company, and his engaging leadership on outings to some of his favourite locations such as Harbourfront, Queen Street, and Kensington Market.
Access to Pete's Gallery will be provided for the balance of 2021, before retiring it.
The following is Pete's introduction to his gallery.
As a long-time member of the Don Mills Camera Club, I have found my photographic visions have changed over the years. In the beginning, I liked to photograph more natural subjects, gradually moving into landscapes and architecture. Along the way I found myself looking at subjects in a more abstract fashion.
With the introduction of digital photography and software, which allows one to experiment with how an image looks, I feel I have found the perfect tools for me to indulge myself in my lifelong search to be an artist. In the last year or two, I find myself creating more artistic abstract versions of my images.
This gallery represents how I see Toronto in a more abstract way.
Pete Neely